The Olympia Friends Meeting’s Peace and Social Justice Committee has joined Steven Aldrich, OFM, Doug Mackey, Olympia Unitarian Universalist Congregation, and Kim Dobson, Fellowship of Reconciliation, to host Maiya Zwerling, the national field organizer for the Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL).
Our shared effort is to support an FCNL project structured to help break the gridlock in Congress.

With Maiya’s assistance we are launching an FCNL Advocacy Team in Thurston County. You can help us coordinate with similar FCNL supported Teams across the country.
Maiya is coming to Olympia on Wednesday, June 29th to tell us more at the Olympia Friends Meetinghouse, 3201 Boston Harbor Rd NE, from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm.
It’s no secret that Congress isn’t making enough progress on the issues that matter most. But the Quaker lobby that works through FCNL has an amazing track record of fostering Congressional champions for peace and justice — they take strategic steps every day to move Congress in the right direction.
Please join us. RSVP with the form below to let us know you will attend.
Thurston County FCNL Advocacy Team
Organizing Committee:
Steven Aldrich, OFM
Doug Mackey, OUU
Kim Dobson, FOR
Olympia Friends Meeting, Peace and Social Justice Committee
(Organizational names associated with individuals used for identification purposes only)
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