Update your Information in OFM’s Database and Directory Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.First Name *NicknameIf you have one that you use and would like us to know.Middle NameLast Name *SuffixJr; Sr; II; III; etcPronounse.g. he/him/his or she/her/hers or and they/them/their or Ze/Hir or "No Pronouns - Use My Name" - This is not in OFM's Directory but is in our database.Choose your relationship to OFM *MemberAttenderI'm a Member of another Quaker MeetingOtherYear of OFM Membership and/or Reason for "Other"Home Address StreetHome Address Street line twoCityStateZip CodeCountry (if not USA)Mailing Address (if different)Email PrimaryEmail AlternatePhone - HomePhone - MobileText messages okay?YesNoThis is not in OFM's Directory but is in our database.Phone - WorkDo you want to be in OFM Directory or only in the Meeting's database? *Both database and directory - must include Primary Email Address (above)Database onlyThe OFM Directory is online and is secured by only being available to those in it with an included Primary Email address or in print format to active Members/Attenders who don't use email.Do you have a contact method preference? (Mark one or more.)EmailPhoneTextPost MailThis is not in OFM's Directory but is in our database.Household member names and type of relationship (e.g. spouse, partner, parent, housemate, etc.)Note: No children under eighteen are listed in the OFM Directory. Eighteen-year-olds can have their own listing in our Directory even if living at home but can be added here as members of your household.Birth DateThis is not in OFM's Directory but is in our database.Wedding Date if married at OFMThis is not in OFM's Directory but is in our database.Notes/Other:This is not in OFM's Directory but is in our database.PhoneSubmit